
Creating a new website

Posted on April 22, 2013 by Sarah Cole


I wouldn't say it's easy to create a new website, but it's not as hard as it seemed before I set out.  With the help of the tremendous Yeshen Venema, we've revamped Cole of London's online shopfront and everything is easier to manage now.  We started with some great images - I knew the style I was after pretty much and Yeshen helped a lot with the lighting and he created some lovely photos.

I then created some more drawings for the site - it's hard to know when to stop, but on the whole I think that things are easier to cope with when they're simple and clean and not too cluttered.

I hope the site has the simple but slightly off the wall feel I'm aiming for.  If anyone reading this has any comments, do let me know - it's all helpful.



Uploading images takes quite a while and is not the most fun part - though it is rewarding when they're all up and suddenly things start to look good.  And then of course there's the tricky business of making sure the checkout process works correctly - I needed help here to be sure that things are exactly as they should be.

Then there was a period of double checking things.


And then off we went!  All in all, it's been great fun.

Posted in bone china, mugs, photography, web building, website creation

Putting the Bone into Bone China

Posted on March 11, 2013 by Sarah Cole


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Posted in bone china, history, Josiah Spode, porcelain


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